PinnedEuvouriaWhat is Learner-Centered Design?Let’s go back in time for a second. You’re sat in an uncomfortable desk chair, the smell of chalk and/or dry eraser pens fills your…Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Euvouria3D AnimationYou splurged on those movie tickets and grabbed a pair of Wayfairer lookalike glasses to make everything on the big screen pop. Jumpscares…Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
EuvouriaWhat is Behavioural Design?If you’ve ever been around a toddler, you know that changing behavior is challenging. Perhaps you haven’t been around many moments of, “No…Sep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021
EuvouriaWhat is Screen-free Learning?On the back of 2020 and a global pandemic, it’s fair to say that we’re all pretty tired of screentime. When Apple released screentime as a…Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
EuvouriaWhat is Digital Collaboration?Do you miss bouncing ideas off your colleagues? Sometimes you need a new person’s input to solve a difficult problem. You might be unsure…Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
EuvouriaInfographic AnimationDoes data excite you? Butterflies in your belly at the sight of a juicy number? If your answer is yes, you’re in a distinct minority. Enjoy…Aug 25, 2021Aug 25, 2021
EuvouriaExplainer Video Software Vyond“To infinity and beyond,” said Buzz Lightyear in one of my favorite Disney creations, Toy Story. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to be a…Aug 17, 2021Aug 17, 2021
EuvouriaPresentation Software MentimeterBING! New e-mail from your boss. They’d like you to put together a presentation for new hires for next week. “No problem,” you think to…Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021
EuvouriaWhat is Instructional Design?Do you take instruction well? Don’t worry. We’re not about to launch into a military-style discussion on whether you fold your socks…Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
EuvouriaCartoon AnimationDo you have fond memories of watching Sunday morning cartoons while your parents slept in? A bowl of sugary cereal in front of you while…Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021